The German Shepherd Dog Advisory Council (GSDAC) is a national organisation involving the German Shepherd Dog and the clubs in New Zealand.
Recognised by the New Zealand Kennel Club (NZKC) in 1978, the German Shepherd Dog Advisory Council (GSDAC) is a body set up by Graham Brayne (von Racher Kennels) who invited representatives of the 4 GSD clubs active in those days to work in co-operation with all German Shepherd Dog clubs recognised by the NZKC.
The Council has over 25,000 tattoos registered and has breed surveyed over 1,000 animals.
The annual membership fee is $25.00 single or $35.00 double/family (family being main member, partner, children under 18 in the same household) and is paid direct to the Advisory Council Treasurer.
That membership fee entitles the member to participate in all schemes and receive our magazine.
Download the Membership/Renewal form on this site or see the form in the latest Review. You may also contact the Secretary to have a form emailed to you.
The Advisory Council's Schemes are:
Breed Surveys and breed recommendations
Endurance Tests
Fun Days
Recording of hip dysplasia and elbow results
Main Breed Assessments
Structural Assessments
Tattooing of litters and older animals
Tooth Certificates
Working Qualifications
More information can be found about these schemes from the links below.
For more information on GSDAC please download our Information Booklet. Any queries can be directed to the Secretary.
Executive Committee:
President - Mike Bradley.
Vice President – North Island Sarah Blackburn Vice President – South Island Melissa Bradley
Nationally Elected Representatives Viv McCambridge Trent Bray Lenore Halliwell Lynette Baker
Club Representatives: APGSDL - Vacant WGSDC Lyndsay Cunningham GSDAHB - Vacant SIGSL Deb Bannan OGSDC Kathy Stice SGSDC - Marie McDonald WDGSDC - Vacant
Secretary Maureen Mullany Treasurer Teresa Morgan
Home Awards Breeders Directory Breed Surveys Endurance Forms GSD Facts HD Links
Events Structural Assessment Tattooing Tooth Certificates Working Qualification