Endurance Dog
The object of this test is to prove that the animal can endure a certain degree of physical exertion without showing marked signs of exhaustion afterwards. Steady running for a length of time demands a greater performance from the organs, such as heart and lungs, as well as those parts that supply the motive power, such as muscles and legs. It also requires a temperament of hardness and persistence. The tireless execution of the Endurance Test can be considered proof of the physical health and fitness and desirable temperament that should be considered prerequisites for German Shepherds that are used for breeding.
Admittance to the test.
1. All purebred GSDs including spayed or neutered animals may be entered provided they are registered with the NZKC.
2. Animals entered must be at least 20 months old and under 7 years of age on the day of the test.
3. The animal must be hip-scored.
4. The entry form (available from the ED Registrar) and fee of $20.00 must be received 20 days before the test.
On the day the assessor will take into consideration the animals hip-score and any other relevant information. Only dogs in full health and well trained for the test will be accepted. A vet certificate (no older than 7 days) to attest that the animals overall condition (including heart and lungs) have been found to be in good order is to be given to the assessor prior to the test.
Inadmissible are - bitches in season, in whelp, or still nursing a litter, or animals who do not have the required vet certificate.
No points or marks will be awarded. Upon completion of the entire test the assessor will state whether the animal has passed and if so the animal will be awarded the GSDAC title of Endurance Dog and the appropriate certificate will be forwarded to the owner.
The Test.
A booklet about the test is available from the Endurance Registrar or the Secretary.
A distance of 20km, over roads or tracks, but at some part through traffic is to be covered at a speed of about 12kph (minimum is 10km per hour, maximum 15kph) the animal must be on a lead on the left side of the handler who will be either running or on a pushbike. Slight pulling is not a fault. But continual hanging back is a fault.
Stage One.
After covering the first 8km there is a compulsory 15 minute rest period. Animals to be kept on a lead and checked for soundness, excessive pad wear or tiredness. The assessor has sole discretion on whether animals may continue or not.
Stage Two
A further distance of 7km, then a compulsory rest of 20 minutes. Animals to be checked as in Stage One.
Stage Three
The final 5km, followed by a rest of 15 minutes. Animals to be checked as in Stage One.
Stage Four - Workability
A: Heel free - 250 -300 metres as follows: right turn, left turn, halt, about turn, right, left turn, halt.
B: Recall or retrieve - item of handlers choice, distance of 20-30 metres.
C: Hurdle jump - at least 750mm high and 1.5 metres wide to be jumped.
The object of these exercises is to demonstrate the animals willingness to complete the tasks after the 20km run. Perfection or precisions are not required.
For more information:
The Secretary
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